COMBI71 Heavy Duty Dry Ice Blaster with Remote Control In Option
The COMBI71 is heavy duty dry ice blaster developed for very intensive and long duration cleaning jobs. This machine has the ability to be combined with the abrasive module to operate as a dry ice grit blaster.
The remote control gun is also an option for this machine. This allows an operator to change the following parameters on the gun:
› dry ice feed rate
› blast pressure
› intensity of gun light
The COB71 is a single hose machine which has the option to add a 2-hose gun and hose. To become to the most versatile blasting equipment, COMBI73.
- Ideal for contract cleaning
- Particularly suited to applications where the work face is a distance from the blaster. Eg blasting at height, limited access
- Designed for heavy duty work and larger work surfaces
- Electrical cabinet cleaning
- Cleaning trains – interior, exterior & mechanical
- Mould cleaning
- Car detailing
- Foundries
- Restoration
- Carbon removal
- Tank cleaning
- Spray Foam Removal
- Rubber & Plastics
- Aerospace
With Abrasive:
- Removing all rust to realise a metal-bright surface
- Surface roughening before coating, glueing, painting of metals
- It can be used to clean buildings, infrastructure and other objects of different nature (wood, metal, stone etc.) that require an abrasive touch